Monday, February 15, 2010

Precision Attachment Partial Wearing Precision-attachment Partial Dentures?

Wearing precision-attachment partial dentures? - precision attachment partial


I recently received an artificial limb for my absence the last three molars on one side of the jaw. This is available as a bridge by a precision attachment in context.

My dentist told me that he must first remove the prosthesis at all, and it removed / cleaned planned in future investigations. Now it may be that I would do it myself at least once every 1-2 weeks. I have other sources, while eliminating the need for every day, partial dentures, but all other methods of inserting (and not the kind of attachment refers to the accuracy) and typically big teeth.

I would very much appreciate an informed opinion on what would be normal for the removal and clean my partial denturein view of my situation. Thanks in advance



spongebo... said...

I am not aware how close the design, but I think I should delete every day and to thoroughly clean the teeth down, and the party. I've heard people refer to this average and the part that remains in force, with a crown that sits on a tooth, instead of a hook. Did you mean? In general, everything is there in place by implants (screws into the bone), must be removed and cleaned. If food is left under and around it, this is clearly yes b / c they want to be no food in it against their teeth. He also needs to be removed from your mouth at night, so that your gums to breathe. Generally, we recommend that all devices that take place with the exception of the removal of implants in the evening, so that oxygen to the gums to prevent fungal infectionss bone loss. Feel free to contact me for photos or further information, and I tell you.

Ashley C said...

I suggest cleaning and night and brushing the gums. Dental technician (I and partial dentures), we see many patients who develop oral fungus if not properly cleaned.

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