Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lutheran Online Bible Did Jesus Descend Into Hell???

Did Jesus descend into hell??? - lutheran online bible

From my Lutheran training, I was somewhat aware of the Reformation. One of the flags reformers was 5 "Solas". The first is that religious doctrine on the Bible (does not support the best ideas and traditions of men): "Sola Scriptura" [Scripture alone] = writings are our last and only infallible authority for faith and practice.

So what is the Apostles 'Creed "(and it was not written by apostles) How can we integrate the religious teaching of the Apostles' Creed cover when the phrase" to hell "?" I looked in several translations online - I can not find chapter and verse that says Jesus went to hell B4 resurrection.

If thaDo not come? AND WHY?

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