Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How To Setup Voip In My Office What Is The Average Unit Cost Per Phone For A 5 - 50 Unit VOIP Setup?

What is the average unit cost per phone for a 5 - 50 unit VOIP setup? - how to setup voip in my office

I am preparing to contract for the installation of a VoIP telephone system in our offices. Initially we have 10 units, but should expand to 50 within the next 2 years.

On average, what I expect to taste the initial installation and future upgrades? Ideally, I want it to break, a cost per unit, which I know will be higher with the lowest number of phones and reducing costs is reported in most phones.



Roger Vadim said...

I've used for 5 years!

and the best part is that all technicians in California, USA. ...

I started with a minimum of $ 100 ...

John said...

U Maybe the company should try to plan Cordia VoIP https: / /

You are running a promotion right now where you can enjoy for free the first month with all plans of Cordia's VoIP. The promotion code is AGLEEX182X. But if you forget the code, u, do u not free to enjoy the first month.

Good luck.

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