Friday, December 4, 2009

Mononucleosis Mononucleosis?

Mononucleosis? - mononucleosis

When I was 16 I realized that I had a lump in my throat, went to the doctor and turned out to be mononucleosis.

I am now 18 and still have a swollen lymph node in going to the doctor to check, but I wanted to hold out your thoughts on this topic.

If you tell your single experience.


Ellen said...

I had a severe case of mono years ago. Once he was finished, I was very ... Then back. Well, I have mono or chronic Epstein-Barr. (the name of the virus), the virus is in me at any time, but it is latent in most of the time. If I feel tired or stressed or something that is often exposed to mono. It was not as bad as the first time I had, but I have all the symptoms again. No. .. there is nothing that doctors can give me, to make it disappear. It is not contagious, nor very long. Nobody has taken me since I was diagnosed more than 7 years.

Holly said...

I've heard that the monkeys like chicken pox ... if I never again, but I know that even years after the monkey when I get sick with all the swollen glands, or by cold.

Nimbus said...

I had mononucleosis when I was 18th My swollen glands, rather than a lump in my throat. They stayed for about 2 or 3 months - I would check the box, they are still swollen, especially if you have other symptoms of mononucleosis.

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